The Cat Cafe » Devlog
Hello and Welcome
To the Little Cat Cafe Dev Log
Transitions for the Game!
A lot of stuff were removed and added, originally there was supposed to be a multiplier meter depending on the customer's patience bar. But it was scrapped and replaced with a combo meter instead
a lot of fixes were made, Godot animation helps a lot but sometimes you often forget to add a RESET key frame and then you spend tons of hours figuring out why animations sometimes get broken, its a hard bug to find, but yeah, add lots of RESET key frames in Godot Animation nodes
Game Saves
Also we also added save mechanics for the game, now you can continue where you left off from the game and the stuff you bought in the Nyamazon
Files Play in browser
Dec 25, 2023
Little Cat Cafe 36 MB
Dec 25, 2023
Little Cat Cafe 37 MB
Dec 25, 2023
Little Cat Cafe 40 MB
Dec 25, 2023
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